Frequently Asked Questions


On October 20, 1993, six individuals interested in starting a church met with Elder Bruce McAlister in a home of one of the members. The group members believed that Elder McAlister was the one to lead the church. Elder McAlister responded “I appreciate the faith and trust that you have in me, but I need to pray and seek the Lord in this”. After much thought and prayer, on January 26, 1994, Elder Bruce McAlister accepted the group proposal to start a church. On February 23, 1994, the official name of the church was selected, Saints Community C.O.G.I.C., meaning we are a body of sanctified believers, within the community, reaching out to the unsaved and unchurched, bringing them to the family of God, as brothers and sisters in Christ. Much growth has taken place in our church over the past 26 years thanks to that wondrous decision made back in 1994, we now have 20 active ministries that serve the body of Christ and Fresno.

In order to know what to look for in a local church, we must first understand God’s purpose for the church—the body of Christ—in general. There are two outstanding truths about the church. First, “the church of the living God [is] the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). Second, Christ alone is the head of the church (Ephesians 1:22; 4:15; Colossians 1:18).

Communion is available every first Sunday of the month for anyone who desires to include that in their worship experience. We pass the communion trays down each row for those who’d like to receive it.

At Saints Community, we have Nursery Care for children of all ages.

Great music and a relevant message in a friendly environment.

Saints Community offers transportation to Sunday Morning Worship Services to those who are in need. We have premium shuttle service available for more information please call 559.227.9819.